


UX Designer
January 2017
Data Innovation Systems

Project Overview

Data innovation systems is an early stage startup company, specialising in custom software solutions and automated systems backed by data science. The Brief of this project was to do a website redesign to tackle the problems of the under performing pre-existing website. The website needed a restructure to its user flow and a cleaner and more concise design.


We began the redesign process of the website on  25th of January 2017 and had a deadline for completion for the 14th of February 2017 as the project needed to be finished in time to be displayed and used for the Dublin tech summit which ran between the 15th and 16th of February 2017.


From doing research on the visitors to the website, through Hotjar and google analytics, we noticed that there were a lot of user experience problems which hindered the conversion of leads on the website. The main challenge was to create a cohesive user flow throughout the website. The company has a lot of technical heavy information and we noticed that this could easily overwhelm users visiting the site. The lack of a direct track from page to page was also evident.


The main goal was to provide two main user flows which would target the two different types of target users.

  1. The first target user that would land on our website would be a company that might be interested in what we do because they heard about how investing in data solutions and automated systems can greatly improve efficiency and save you money, but they don't know exactly what they might need. They don't want to spend thousands of euro on things that may be unsuitable for them and need an easier way to learn more about the technology and solutions we offer.
  2. The second user that would land on our website would be a company with a more technical background and would have a better understanding of what they might need and would have come to our website to learn more about a particular solution or technology and how Data Innovation Systems as a company can help them with their particular needs.


The main tool we used for conducting user research on our website was Hotjar along with viewing the analytics of the websites with google analytics.
We used google analytics to see which areas were not performing as well as we would have liked and used the screen recording from Hotjar to conduct research and see exactly how the visitors were using the site and where they were dropping off.
We noticed that the information just wasn't clear enough on the homepage to illustrate to the user exactly what the company was offering. By not grabbing the users attention we were experiencing a large drop off rate from users from just becoming bored or not receiving the right information and then clicking off the site.

User Flows

The next task after discovering the problem was to sketch out possible ideas on how best to tackle the lack of conversion and high bounce rate of the website. I began constructing a better user flow.

There were two mindsets I had when thinking about the user flow. I wanted the homepage to be more informative and have an easy and enticing way for users to quickly learn a bit more about what DIS offers and also allow the user to go more in depth into certain sections which were relevant to them.
The second mindset was for the second lot of users who just needed to find out more about a particular solution or technology DIS was providing and wanted to see if it was suitable for their needs.

The two diagrams below show all 3 of these user flows.

  • Number 1 shows how the user would click on the particular industry they were involved in which they could then find out about the solutions which would services that particular industry and a way for them to contact us. 
  • Number 2 follows on from number 1 which would allow the user to easily flow from their chosen industry page to the solution pages which would give them more in-depth information about the particular solution and show them even more examples of it in use.
  • Number 3 is for the target user who wants to find out more information about a particular solution or technology and can quickly and easily navigate to whichever solution they are interested in. This along with the second user flow link onto a consultation form which turns the users into leads giving the team at DIS a deeper understanding of what they are interested in and what they might need.


After deciding on the user flows the next thing I did was to take a look at the structure of each page and re-organised the content along with improving on the design and layout. I went through each page and listed the purpose of the page along with a list of which sections should go where and what information should they contain.


After the sketches were done and the ideas were clear in my head, I converted them into wireframes to show to the developer so that they could get a clear picture of the functionality and purpose of each page.

Final Design

After the wireframes I began to incorporate the new styling. It was important to have a consistent style across the website, through layout/colour and icons. I chose the blue as the primary colour as it has a connotation with loyalty and security, two very essential traits for a company to have when entrusting them with your data. The contrasting orange colour worked really well at drawing the users attention to the CTA's and helped direct the users around the website.


The Results from the project included a major increase of users completing the flow of our website and filling in the contact and consultation forms. The websites bounce rate also went down from 86.5% to 42%. The percentage of returning visitors doubled from 22% to 44% along with the duration of each visit going from 01:30 seconds to 09:43 seconds which all conclude to a better functioning website. The overall consensus of the redesign was overwhelmingly positive from the CEO of DIS who loved the new design of his company's website.